Place the flameskulls throughout the room, at the same height as the PCs. I suggest the following encounter for a party of five adventurers:
Total: 525 xp (Level 1 Encounter)
Try to space out the Flameskulls' use of their fireball ability. One of the downsides of stacking a fight with artillery monsters is that they can easily devastate a party by using their encounter powers immediately.
Stat block:
This was the toughest fight my PCs faced, possibly because the tactics were so easy on my part. Only 2 fireballs went off, on the first and second rounds, and they destroyed the third before I used his, but they still finished with 2/5 party members down.
I've changed the damage expression on the fireball ability so that it does an average of 9 damage on a hit instead of 14.5. This should make multiple such attacks a lot more survivable.
Any particular reason you removed the line "Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 fire, 5 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant" from the Flame Skulls?
Ah, I must have missed that when transcribing the stat block! I'll correct it; those resistances, immunities and vulnerabilities should still be part of the monster.
The Flameskull stat block now contains the correct resistance/vulnerability information.
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